Rafael Ball

rafael_ballInvited Speaker

Dr. Rafael Ball
University Library Regensburg, Germany

We are happy to add Dr. Rafael Ball’s name to our invited speakers list at IMCW2014.

Dr. Rafael Ball studied biology, Slavonic studies and philosophy at the Universities of Mainz, Moscow, Warsaw and Smolensk. He is the Director of the University Library Regensburg, Germany. His major priorities of the practical and theoretical work are library management, scholarly communication, scientometrics and the future of the digital society.
He is a member of numerous associations, committees, panels and several other library decision-making bodies, he is active in lecturing at home and abroad.

Dr. Ball has authored numerous national and international books and papers on the subject of “Library Management”, “Media Revolution” and Scholarly Communication”.
He held invited talks on the subject of “Library and Information Management”, “Digital revolution” and the “Future of books and publishing”.

Title: “It’s all about data: What is Research Data in the Arts and Humanities?”

Abstract. Everyone is talking about research data and its management, but nobody really knows what research data actually is. Only the frequently used examples such as climate or satellite data are relatively clear and understandable. What, however, is research data in the arts and humanities? What is it in law? Is there such a thing as data or perhaps just the “research concept”?

The lecture attempts to determine a position concerning research data and does not ignore the unpleasant question whether it even makes sense to use the term in the arts and humanities.